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Showing posts from May, 2018

What is Blockchain Technology ? An Introduction for Beginners

You all may have know or have heard about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies names. Those all digital currencies are reference to Blockchain  Technology. Simply, Blockchain is a critical element of cryptocurrencies. Because without Blockchain, Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies would not exist. Cryptocurrencies was a concept of the domain of cryptography and data structure in computer science. Merkle tree or hash tree is the primitive form of the Blockchain. Ralph Merkle introduced this data structure in 1979. A series of data records (a secured chain of blocks) was created using this Merkle tree and each connected to the one before it.  When we create a new record in this chain, that record would contain the history of the entire chain and that's how the Blockchain was created.  Distributed blockchain was intoduced by Satoshi Nakamato in 2008 and this was the backbone of Bitcoin. Let's try to undersatnd how blockchain works. Blockchain always keeps a rec...

How to work with Docker

Many developer people are saying, "I am really  exiting about docker. " Because every body keep saying docker is awesome. So today we are going to learn about Docker. What is Docker? Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package. By doing so, thanks to the container, the developer can reset assured that the application will run on any other linux machine regardless of any customized settings that machine might have that could differ from the machine used for writing and the testing code. Docker is bit a like a virtual machine . But unlike a virtual machine, rather than creating a whole virtual operating system, docker allows applications to use the same linux kernel as the system that they are running on and only requires applications be shipped w...